A note to my readers: This post was originally posted on May 11, 2009. Wear Your Apron Day 2012 is Monday, May 14, 2012. I haven't decided which apron I'll wear this year - we'll just see which one strikes my fancy when I'm getting dressed.
Apron Evangelism helped spark my love for aprons. Some may find it old-fashioned and patriarchal; I find that several of the values represented there resonate deeply with me. I encourage all mothers and homemakers to read it as inspiration for you to strive to fulfill
whatever it is that means reaching your ideals for you.
Sadly, I have distributed all the vintage aprons I had, so there will not be a giveaway this year. If the outcry for one is overwhelming, I will get my hands on one to give away. Aunt Crystal hates to disappoint!
And finally, a bit of kitchen humor for you:

Did you know that today is
Wear Your Apron Day? I learned about it from one of my favorite
The Apronista. Yes, The Apronista, as in fashionista but with cooler prints and more cleanliness. More values could be argued, too, but I don't feel like going there, so I won't.
So how do you celebrate? Easy: wear your apron all day long. Wear your favorite one, or the one passed down to you from your grandmother. Maybe it'll be the one you made from a tea towel. Or the vintage one you found on eBay. It doesn't matter as long as you
wear your apron.
I'll be wearing my favorite apron. It's one I found on eBay in my favorite cut and the cutest fabric. It's a goldenrod orange-yellow with bees all over it and green plaid binding. I'll try to get a picture of it to post for you all. This picture from Wikimedia Commons shows the style of it:
Ok, who said that? Did I actually just hear you say you don't have an apron?? How have you made it to this point in your life without an apron???
Never mind. We'll fix it. I have a box full of vintage aprons literally right here behind me.
***Prize Alert!***
I'll send an apron to one of you poor, deprived waifs that have suffered through life without an apron so you'll be ready to celebrate next year. Wear Your Apron Day is always the Monday after Mother's Day, so be sure to mark your 2010 calendar now.
How to Enter:
Leave a comment telling me why you want an apron and about your favorite style (ie: half aprons, full aprons, cobbler aprons, etc.).
Extra Entries:
Second Entry: Tweet this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to the tweet.
Third Entry: Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment letting me know your Twitter user name.
Fourth Entry: Subscribe to 3Stairs and leave a comment letting me know if you subscribed with RSS or via e-mail.
Fifth Entry: Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your post.
Sixth Entry: Add a 3Stairs button to your blog and leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can admire it! (your blog, not the button)
I'll let Random.org choose a winner next Monday morning, May 18, so get your comments in by then!
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