You are a Brainy Girl! |
Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books. You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more. For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests. A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! |
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Brainiac - You're Surprised?
Font Fanatic
One of my peeves, though, is only seeing a small sample of the font when you're browsing.??Ooh, baby, not anymore!?Download free fonts and free dingbats?at Urban Fonts, and you get to see the entire font before you download it!? Oh yeah, and did you catch that they're free?

You're not looking at the same three fonts with slight variations, either.? There are lots of original, creative fonts.? The dingbats are nothing to sneeze at, either.? There's an entire font of foliage - really cool looking - and an amazingly detailed set of African artwork.? Check out the retro bats while you're there, too.? Trend followers will find it useful for the return of vintage chic.
All in all, Urban Fonts is a forerunner of the font industry, in my opinion.? Not because of quantity, but quality and user-friendliness.? Check out the Identifont and What the Font features, too.? I could have saved myself hours and eyestrain with that over the years!
So go, ogle, download; have some fun!

Today's Blogger Is...
You Are a Life Blogger! |
![]() Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible. |
What Kind of Blogger Are You?
Monday, October 30, 2006
Don't Just Dress, Fancy Dress
They've got everything you need, from costumes to wigs, props to magic tricks, and disguise accessories.
Can't see having something eternally just to wear it for a few hours? Londoners can hire a costume from a dozen different categories from?animals and mascots?to United Nations national wear and western.
Even us "uncivilised Yankees" can partake of the fanciness - they ship worldwide. You'll find the most popular costumes for kids and a bigger selection of masks than anyone should have. But you're bound to have more fun than most, too.
Pop Quiz
- Chris Rice mid-thought while discussing the things in life that we value the most
PayPerPost Payoff
So naturally I (inwardly, of course) rolled my eyes when he mentioned PayPerPost.? My first thought when he tells me about something is usually something along the lines of, "How much is this gonna cost us?" but surprisingly, it didn't cost a dime.? No, not even a penny, for you linguistic smarties out there.? The next thing I knew, he said that he had a stash of money in his PayPal account from PayPerPost.? I quickly asked him what on Earth that was and my darling, patient husband explained it yet again.
Writer's block story short, I signed up, started writing (eventually), and now Michael's aggravated at me because I've made $182 since my first payment on October 3 - which is more than he has.? I've got another $118 coming as of this writing,?and?the amount?will only increase day by day.? I've been able to buy gifts for people I love, treat myself and my family, and now I'm saving up for an iPod Nano.
Not bad for a stay-at-home mom in her pjs.
Walk Watchers Report 4
Arringdumb Strikes Again
A New Word
Behindernity - all the nows that have happened before this now.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Disclosure Dispute
This policy is valid from 30 October 2006
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact?
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers? own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
The owner(s) of this blog would like to disclose the following existing relationships. These are companies, organizations or individuals that may have a significant impact on the content of this blog. We are employed by or consult with: PayPerPost.
To get your own policy, go to
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A New Philosophy
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Anticipatory Exclamations
- George Little, the morning he was to get a little brother in the movie "Stuart Little."
Alternately, me all day looking forward to the Chris Rice concert tonight.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Oops, Did I Read That Out Loud?
-Michael, upon my reading of the last item in the Sons list.
You Are Cordially Invited...

? Baptism invitations?at are perfect for those of us that don't have the energy or time to make them, though.? There are several absolutely beautiful die-cut invitations of christening gowns (and even a boy's baptismal romper), and the drawing of the sleeping baby is just adorable.? So save yourself some time - you have my permission.
Currently The World's Funniest List
Check this out:? Some?interesting things you find out when you have sons.? This is the funniest list I've seen in ages.
Here's a few teasers:
When you hear the toilet flush and the words 'uh oh,' -- it's already too late.
Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.??
You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
What Would Polonius Think?

Monday, October 16, 2006
Walk Watchers Report 2
Tell me why I walked a mile and a half the last three days of last week.? It obviously wasn't to lose weight.? I guess it was just to make the insides of my thighs hurt for three days.

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Renaissance Man
So go get rounded out...
Friday, October 13, 2006
A Title Reveals So Much...
P | utrefying |
O | blivious |
L | oathsome |
I | ncorrigible |
T | actless |
I | mbecilic |
C | alculating |
I | nsensitive |
A | moral |
N | oisome |
Straightening Out Your Symptoms long as your condition hasn't made you forget your ABCs...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Be Gone, Bully!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
DVD Clubs Take a Turn for the Ridiculous

Frankly, I'll pass, since I get plenty of potty humor from my six-year-old...
Funtagious Vocabulary
Did I mention that I love books?? That I read the dictionary for fun?? Well, here's a dictionary you normal people might like to read: Mixtionary.? The description on Amazon quotes this:?
"Presenting a special hardcover guide to communicating efficiently in the modern world, in which newfangled ideas and phenomena leave us at a loss for words. This humorous hardcover offers mixed-up modern words for our mixed-up world, each one illustrated by veteran comic artist Shawn McManus. "
There's a video clip about it (where I first learned about the book) at Expanded Books.? Dude, it'll be, like, funtagious.
Who knew reading the dictionary could be so enjoyable?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Party Time!

Smashing Schedule
Early detection is the key to survival.? Breast cancer information abounds, so you have no excuse?for not doing self exams and getting a mammogram.? Annual mammograms are a must for any woman over 50, and they must begin at 40 for women like me that have a family history or high risk of cancer.? I have 10 years for laser mammograms to become commonplace!? All kidding aside, monthly self exams and annual mammograms make more and more women breast cancer survivors than statistics...
So go take your shirt off and touch yourself!
Alliteration Addict
Another confession - I have 33 hours towards an English major.? Now you know the secret of my infatuation.? I constantly correct my husband and children in their grammar.? It drives Michael crazy, but he doesn't use "due to" anymore - YES!?
Dr. Roth would be so proud.? He was my professor and mentor at college.? His pet peeve was people using "due to" instead of "because of" because it's incorrect grammar.? To this day, I can't use the phrase, and I can't?see it without thinking of Dr. Roth.
Yeah, I'm sad...
Monday, October 9, 2006
Money Mojo

It seems that there's a song for everything and everybody.? From adulterers to zebras, and babies in utero to the dead.? TheRiskmaster is a song for today's webophiles.? Making money seems to be the muse for most of us, but I haven't heard a song that actually addressed it.? I like it; it has a slight classic Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers feel to it that makes it a feel good tune.? I found myself refreshing everytime the song ended.
And yeah, it's a little snarky (my word for the week) with the line, "Anyone this rich must have lied."? But really, isn't that how we feel about rich people when we aren't rich?? He's not like us and we're good people, so he must be bad.? I've also found that we have that attitude toward people that come up with a great idea before we do.
Hmm....kinda like Mike Arrington and Rob Hof's view of Ted Murphy.? Maybe jealousy is rearing it's scaly little green head...
50-Cent Word Junkie
It's an aural exhilaration to hear a fresh syllabic homage to language.
Home Security In Podunk
Take me, for instance.? My grandmother and mother also live in my town, so just about anybody in town knows at least 1 of us, if not all of us.? I can't get away with squat.? If I went to Ace Hardware (which I don't very often), rest assured someone that knows I'm Pat's granddaughter saw me there and mentioned it to her.? Within 24 hours of me doing something out of the ordinary, my grandmother or mom are going to ask me what I was doing because so-and-so saw me there...and I'm 30!
Now imagine what the teenagers that all grew up here have to deal with.? Who needs home security in Podunk?

Walk Watchers Report 1
Well, it's better than 158, so I guess I should be happy.? My goal is to get down to 115.? Only another 38 pounds to go!? At a pound a week, I should hit my goal around...the beginning of July.? Ugh...Maybe I'll aim for 2 pounds a week.? That'd put me at the middle of February.? Oooh - I'd be skinny for my birthday!
Go me; go me; it's my birthday; it's my birthday!
Okay, official goal:? to be at 115 on my birthday, 13 April 2007.
Wish me luck...

You want in on the secret??Go to PayPerPost, sign up, and make money.? Want to thank me for inviting you to the world's greatest money-maker for SAHMs?? List my e-mail ( in the referrer's field when you sign up.? What's it all mean?? Major money for you, and five bucks for me.
It's a win-win-win!

"There's hope and peace and freedom...ain't it about time?"
Oh yeah!!!
Princess Prestidigitation
or a lifetime...

I have an uncle that lives in Odessa.? I'm still trying to figure out how to convince him that he wants to send my family to Disney World just 'cause he loves us so much.? He's the crazy one in the family, but I don't think he's that crazy.?
I must be, though.? Who wants to go stand in a huge line everywhere you go?? And does a depressed woman really want to see grinning, oversized, furry rodents every time she turns around?
Energizer Zombie Wit
Hmm...contagious allergies.? That's a new one.? As of this writing, four of the five people in our family are coughing and/or sound hoarse.? I've spent the last six days holding the baby and wishing I could sleep because I feel like...well, let's face it:? crap.? She refuses to be put down.? This child could be sould asleep - comatose - until you try to lie her in her crib.? Then she starts screaming at T-3 inches from your chest.
So here I am, forced to trudge on as Mom and take care of the sick baby, the sick hubby, the coughing elder daughter, and the Rambunctious Rebel while I feel so wiped out I'm thinking I'm must be running on some preternatural energy source reserved for moms.
On the up-side, I've noticed that my wit is as sharp as my body is dull.? I guess all the energy my body isn't using while I lie around is fueling my brain.
Long live the snarky zombie-wit!
TechCrunch-Dee & ARobbing-Dum
Cast aside the blatantly condescending attitude of the hosts; forget the leading questions meant to plant myths in the minds of listeners.? If their definition of "civilized" (as they called it in their post about the meeting) is to continually interrupt the guests and to allow your cohort unabridged soliloquies on his own merits as a "real" journalist, I must be a Neanderthal.
Rob blathers on about how ?true? journalists don?t accept payment to promote something, and the deception of not disclosing payment, yet is a hired hand for Business Week.? Hey Rob, how much did they pay you to slam PayPerPost on Business Week Online?? Surely you don?t mean that the big-wigs over at BWO just donated a post to you on their blog so you could get your feelings off your chest?? Oh, they pay you to write about the tech industry?? Gee, Rob, ever hear of editors?
Journalism is the precursor to PayPerPost.?? Since paper and ink were combined and distributed, there have been ?advertisers? paying to have their propaganda spread far and wide.? If it weren?t the case, you wouldn?t have decidedly liberal and conservative publications.? They would all appeal equally to both sides of the fence.? How many conservatives do you know that read American Prospect or Washington Monthly?? How about liberals reading National Review or Human Events?? See how far a piece like ?Five Squandered Years? makes it in the offices of National Review, then tell me journalism isn?t bought.
Then there?s the allegory to Tremor ? getting free stuff to promote it.? Hmmm?.I haven?t received any free products for promoting something off of PayPerPost.? Ted hasn?t even sent me the shirt I asked him to (hint, hint, Ted!), but here I am promoting him and PayPerPost.? Somehow Rob and Mike have completely missed the point of PayPerPost.? Could it be that they really don?t know what they?re talking about?
Oops.? Ignorance rears its ugly head.

Here?s one for the circus:? Mike says if a company is so uninteresting that it can?t get it?s own marketing anyway just because it?s interesting, then it?s probably something we don?t need to know about.? Honk your big red nose if you?ve asked someone where they got something you hadn?t seen before within the last, oh, say minute??
Okay, all vernacular aside:? we?ve all learned about something we didn?t know existed because someone else told us about it.?
Hey, I got a free sample of Betty Crocker?s Seasoned Skillet the other day.? If I make them but don?t tell my husband that I got them free, am I being an unethical, non-disclosing shiller?
PS:? Lest Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum question my ethics, I got paid to be snarky about their ignorant propaganda.
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Chronicling Zs
How can a documentary about such an interesting person and such adventurous stories be so boring?
Friday, October 6, 2006
Vonderful Vonage
Yeah, okay, that makes sense.? "Voice over Internet Provider."
Getting closer...
VoIP Forum?is a lifesaver for those of us behind the telephonic times.? With FAQs, direct links to Vonage, forums galore, reviews, and the latest news about everything VoIP, it's the only stop you need to make an informed, intelligent decision on whether or not to cut the landlines.
Happy VoIPing!

Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Snarky, Snark, Snark
You Are a Snarky Blogger! |
![]() You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of. And that's why they read your posts as often as they can! |
Floors To Be Fond Of
See, I'm a bit of a tree-hugger at heart, and while I love the beauty of wood, I cringe at the thought of killing half-century-old trees just so I can worry about denting, scratching, harming the very material that is naturally bored into everyday.

?So I discovered a way to have the beauty?of a light wood without killing Grandpa Tree:?bamboo flooring.? The gorgeous plank you see to the left is not pine, oak, or maple, but bamboo.? Because of its rapid growth cycle (as much as 47 inches in 24 hours), it's becoming a popular choice for those of us that don't want to seriously impede conservation efforts.

Bamboo is also easy to install and care for, and has a wide variety of hues available - just like other wood floors.? Pricing ranges from 2-8 per square foot, so it'll also fit in just about any budget.? You can also choose to install prefinished tongue-and-groove planks, unfinished planks, or have it installed professionally.
Hopefully you'll be able to do it sooner, but rest assured, when I do get my house, I'll be serenely bebopping on bamboo.
The Box Tops Bomb
Anyway, the meeting was just a beginning-of-the-year, let?s-get-on-the-same-page meeting.? And they love the spreadsheet I do every week letting them know which classes have turned in how much and what our running totals are for the year.
Go me, go me, go me!
Monday, October 2, 2006
Happy Place, Happy Place...

Box Tops Drama
And my stomach churns at the thought of 8:15.? The assistant principal asked me Friday morning if I could meet with him and the librarian at 8:15 Monday morning about Box Tops.? I have no idea what the meeting is about.? Am I doing a good job and they just want to encourage me?? Are we just having the beginning-of-the-year, let's-get-on-the-same-page meeting?? Are they going to ream me or "fire" me because I've somehow made them mad?? I can't stand it.? I wish they'd just grab me and say, "Hey, I want to talk to you for a second."
Never set an appointment three days in advance?with a obsessive-compulsive without giving her an agenda.
Camera Cravings
And there's so much information, I might be able to actually take a good picture.

Who else finds a way to use the word prestidigitator in a song???
Alice in Webland
Well, I found my own white rabbit of internet marketing, Alice Seba's Internet Marketing Blog.? How cool to find a blog from a fellow mom that understands why I want to take advantage of internet marketing and that I don't have time to be taken in by all the scams out there.? Alice guides moms through the tangled webs and warns you of pitfalls before you take a nose-dive with your wallet.? She even shares her own best finds, like the guide that got her started.

Now excuse me while I go learn more from the newest addition to my favorites list...
and that's not good.
Did you know you know that Africanized (killer) bees didn't even originate in Africa?? And that they were bred to produce more honey, but actually produce less than other breeds?? It's all on Aviva.
Check out the article on Joan of Arc.? How often have you heard that she was martyred for her beliefs?? Find out why she was really burned at the stake.? Let's just say it's a good thing the Church of Rome doesn't abide by the same views on women's dress -
the world would be short a few billion.