Wednesday, September 19, 2007


You know they say to pick your battles.


But you have to pick at least one in your life. Just once in every person's life, we need to find that one thing that makes our blood boil, that thing to which we stand and seethe, "No more! This shall not pass!"

Logic and reason have their place. In fact, I concede that logic and reason are by far the nobler approaches to conflict and its resolution.

But once - if only once in 70+ years of life - passions must ignite. Passionately, devotedly, unabashedly declare your quest and follow it as the grail, never stopping until at last you grasp hold of it in your hand or die with your fingers reaching achingly towards the prize.

A life is not a life which does not have its grail.

1 comment:

Three Stairs » Blog Archive » Ethics, Honesty and Cheating - Striking Blows For or Against? said...

[...] Too often, we pontificate on the virtues of ethics and honesty; of exposing wrongdoing when it is encountered; of standing up for what Superman called “truth, justice, and the American Way,” then turn our heads or close our eyes when we see the very things we so eloquently rail against in the safe harbor of conversation. As I mentioned here, just once in every person’s life, we need to find that one thing that makes our blood boil, that thing to which we stand and seethe, “No more! This shall not pass!” [...]

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