[caption id="attachment_2430" align="alignleft" width="164" caption="Yummo stuff!"]
[/caption]I was graciously given the opportunity to review some gold label virgin coconut oil from Tropical Traditions not too long ago. I received a full quart of oil! Along with it was a book about coconut oil that also had recipes. I was in cook's heaven.
So what did I think? In one word: Yummo!
One of the recipes was for a simple pot of black beans. We are a bean family. Weird, I know, but that's who we are. Anyway, I put my beans and the other ingredients called for in the crockpot (the recipe was for cooking them on the stove, but I'm a crocker). And then I opened the oil to put it in...
And I was undone.
It smells heavenly! The family drooled the whole time the beans were cooking. Then I was doubly cruel by making them wait until we had potluck lunch at church to eat them. The verdict? Yums from the family and the church members that tried it. When I first tasted them, I thought they were bland, but then the flavors hit, and it's quite good. Not too sweet, not too spicy, you don't feel like you're eating "coconut beans." Just right.
Next I made some sweet and sour chicken with the oil. I had some of those rice packets of veggie fried rice that called for oil, so I used the coconut oil. Michael thought I was crazy. Until he ate it. It blended perfectly with the other flavors and it was some of the best sweet and sour chicken I've made.
Coconut oil has a lot of anecdotal evidence of it's health benefits, even though (of course) it hasn't been endorsed by the FDA. From helping with heart disease and diabetes, to improving energy levels and digestive disorders, people the world over are touting the wonderful properties of coconut oil. I figure it's better to use a virgin, pure oil than to use canola oil or blended vegetable oil regardless of health claims. What is a canola, anyway? What I do know about it is that it smells good, it tastes good, and it's a pure oil so I know exactly what I'm eating. That's enough for me.
I will say I have one complaint: the oil comes in a glass large-mouth jar, which I'm thinking will make it harder to get the oil when I'm running low. I would prefer for it to come in a jar with a typical oil-dispensing top. Other than that, I love it and plan to make regular use of it. Keep your eyes peeled, as I'm working on putting together a giveaway so you can enjoy it for yourself!
Want to know more? Check out this video interview with Tropical Traditions CEO Brian Shilhavy discussing how he discovered coconut oil.
Thanks to Tropical Traditions for a wonderful product and opportunity!
*This is solely the opinion of 3 Stairs. Other people may have different experiences with this product. Thank you to Tropical Traditions for providing a product for this review.*
Monday, August 31, 2009
250 Free Pocketville Tokens!
Pocketville is a creative virtual world where kids can play games, decorate their own environment, and adopt "In My Pocket" virtual pets. Kids will discover a world of fun that offers a safe social place to meet friends, engage in innovative games, create their own avatar, and dress their pets to look the coolest in the town! And luckily for Mom and Dad, all of these fun activities are free.
Parents can feel safe letting their children play in Pocketville because the site is 100% secure and no open chatting is permitted. All users are anonymous and can't share personal details with other players. And in addition to the fun they'll have taking part in the games and activities, kids will learn responsibility by taking care of their virtual pets and virtual piggy bank account.
By visiting Pocketville, http://www.jungleinmypocket.com/, and entering the voucher code below, your child can purchase items for their virtual pet at the Pocketville Pet Supplies Store:
Voucher Code: B9GX8NUDYS
Valid for 250 Pocketville Tokens
code expires 30 September 2009
Have fun!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
This Week's Twitter Blatherings
- it's so empowering to unfollow people when you get tired of seeing them spout off and insult people *contented, satisfied sigh* #
- RT @tw3nty3ight: RT @JamieGator: I'll keep my guns, money, & freedom. You keep the 'change' #
- Win a lunch-inspired prize pack worth $150+ from @mommydaddyblog! #lunchboxbuilder #backtoschool #
- got most of the school supplies labeled and ready; except for two boxes of crayons and 3 wide-rule notebooks; life is cruel... #
- going to the store/ is such a horrid chore/ as mean as't seems/ there will be screams/ if i must go once more #
- just so you know: i stinkin' hate anxiety attacks #
- can't think straight enough to write tonight; gonna watch the epis of merlin i missed last week #
- making giant 4" square corner bookmarks with cutwork and coordinating papers; pleased with the outcome... #
- getting teary missing a very dear friend that now lives in GA; 1 of the sweetest, best, & brightest 2 ever bless my life w/ her presence... #
- my baby's going to school tomorrow; shower & bed time for me; #
- here's to all the anxious mums with babes starting school tomorrow: we will survive and our children will soar! #
- Just listed myself at in ZIP/Postal District 75773. List yourself to Find and Get Followed by tweeps near you! #
- trying *not* to be worried to death over Bethy at school... #
- Bethy made it all day with no accidents - huzzah! #
- brain in a fog... #
- uh-oh; getting bookmark happy again; especially since i treated myself with a paper trimmer at the store today... #
- off to the shower and then bed - trying to get some sleep, what with all this getting up early mess... #
- falling asleep at my desk; man, i hate that... #
- gotta go to the store and get tea; best to do it while the kids are all at school... #
- food? oh yeah, that stuff my stomach's having a fit for... #
- day two with no phone calls from the schools - time to pick 'em up - huzzah! #
- what am i doing? wishing i wasn't here... #
- working on a bake sale post - if you're local to Mineola, TX, please be on the lookout for it! #
- time for wheel of fortune #
- three posts to write - what shall i listen to while i work tonight? #
- listening to belly dance as i write - the drums keep me going #
- RT @shawnablalock: MOPS playdate 2morrow 9am @ Quitman park; All moms welcome <<AND i'll have the bake sale order form! #
- ok, burned out on belly dance music now and not done writing; ugh; thinking about taking a shower to perk back up ... #
- well, that takes care of that; holiday i was going to post about isn't what i thought it was, so i'm nixing it; will finish other post 2mrw #
- going off on spongebob in a new @kidglue post #
- going to bed - gotta rest up for all my bake sale orders i'm gonna get in the morning at the MOPS play date! #
- off to play with MOPS and get lots of bake sale orders! #
- e-mail, facebook, marketing brainstorming for an author friend; what's your best book marketing tip? #
- just so you know: i hate school buses #
- getting ready to head out to love dare bible study #
- watching a little moth-bug-thing side-stepping across my monitor; weird... #
- ROFL!>RT@JeanetteJoy RT@tjmlvs_christ Life isn't like a bx o chocolates; it's like a jar o jalapenos-what u do today might burn ur butt 2mrw #
- i'm wiped out - shower and bed for me... #
- let's see how much i can get done today.... #
- ugh, not even done with my e-mail and my eyes already hurt... #
- blech; i see the propaganda machine is cranking out the lies again... #
- watch for a @kidglue lead next week in which i go off on spongebob... ;) #
- and working its way through my brain: a tall soapbox about the "little whore's department" at the local mass retailer... #
- methinks it's time for a wordscraper break! #
- local tweeps and friends: anyone have a flute to donate to a sixth-grader who desperately wants to be in band but doesn't have the funds? #
- two resumes to type up tomorrow; mummy's going to bed... #
- painting my toena... i mean, working very, very hard! #
- HEHE! >> RT @AZCactus: I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later. #
- feelin' all girly with my orange and white flowered tootsies #
- got a monster headache from heat; darling @marcand got me a lovely rose bouquet from the yard to make me feel better while i was sleeping #
- going to finish up slides for church and play with paper; happy sabbath and tweet ya later! #
- listening to @marcand playing his guitar and singing I Surrender All = bliss #
Powered by Twitter Tools
Friday, August 28, 2009
World Sauntering Day Friday Fill-in
1. He was a knight in a shining white Isuzu.
2. The weather cooling off enough that I can have all the windows open is what I look forward to most this time of year.
3. My best friend loves me enough to tell me the truth for my best interest and forgives me when I'm stupid.
4. I am rather lazy, to be honest with you.
5. Appearances can be the bane of your existence.
6. The last person I gave a hug to was my hubby.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the kids going to Grandma's house (!), tomorrow my plans include singing at Vespers and Sunday, I want to enjoy myself at the church Ice Cream Social!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Custom Postcard Ideas and Giveaway
I am a postcard junkie. I love receiving them (hint to all my traveling friends!) and I love sending them. It's cheaper to send a postcard, it offers an avenue for creative brevity, and it's simple. I've sent postcards for Christmas since Brandon was a baby, because I can share the message of Christmas Hope with everyone that touches the postcard, not just the recipient.
So, that being said, I'm tickled about UPrinting.com's custom postcards. With sizes ranging from 4"x6" all the way up to 6"x11", or even custom sizes, the possibilities are just about endless when it comes to postcards.
"Like what?" you say. "Aren't postcards just for 'Wish you were here' messages?"
Make that a resounding "No!"[caption id="attachment_2803" align="alignright" width="300" caption="What's not to love?"]
Check out these ideas:
Advertising - spread the word about your Etsy or eBay store
Invitations - perfect for block parties, premiers, book signings (Shawna!), or community events
Greetings - plenty of Christmas greetings for friends, family, church members, and teachers without the exorbitant cost
Calling Cards - stand out with a non-standard card!
Identification - car rider/bus rider tags for schools, luggage tags for travelers, or book plates
Encouragement Cards - keep encouragement with you and share it everywhere with little notes of happy
UPrinting.com offers custom greeting cards, brochures, and posters, as well. And that's all fine and good. But that's not what makes them awesome.
What makes them awesome as that they're giving 200 custom postcards to one 3Stairs reader!
*Mandatory Entry*:
Leave a comment telling me what you'll use your postcards for if you win.
Extra Entries:
- Second Entry: Tweet this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to the tweet. This can be done once each day.
- Third Entry: Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment letting me know your Twitter user name.
- Fourth Entry: Subscribe to 3Stairs and leave a comment letting me know if you subscribed with RSS or via e-mail.
- Fifth Entry: Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your post.
- Sixth Entry: Add a 3Stairs button to your blog and leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can visit!
I'll let Random.org choose a winner on the morning of Thursday, September 3, so get your entries in by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, September 2. The winner will be sent a coupon code directly from UPrinting.com.
Mineola Bake Sale Fundraiser
Some of the ladies at the Mineola Seventh-day Adventist church are raising money to go to a convention in September. To that end, we're having a "catalog" bake sale. If you live in or near Mineola Texas, please consider ordering and helping us. Thanks so much!
*Denotes items that contain nuts
3-layer German Chocolate Cake* - $15
3-layer Carrot Cake* - $15
3-layer Mandarin Orange Cake - $15
9x13 Chocolate Buttermilk Cake* - $15
9x13 Cherry Pineapple Dump Cake - $10
9x13 Apple Pineappe Dump Cake - $10
9x13 Peach Pineapple Dump Cake - $10
Bundt Cakes - 1 Large or 6 Mini
Sour Cream Pound Cake - $10
Chocolate Chip Pound Cake - $10
Lemon Pound Cake - $10
Chocolate Pound Cake - $10
Coconut Pound Cake - $10
Sugar Free Coconut Pound Cake - $10
Applesauce Cake - $10
Sugar Free Applesauce Cake - $10
Vanilla Wafer Cake - $10
Sugar Free Vanilla Wafer Cake - $10
Death By Chocolate Cake - $10
Sweet Breads & Muffins
Banana Nut Bread* - Large Loaf - $10
Zucchini Nut Bread* - Large Loaf - $10
Blueberry Muffins - 2 Dozen - $10
Banana Nut Muffins - 2 Dozen - $10
Chocolate Chess - $10
Pineapple Chess - $10
Coconut Chess - $10
Buttermilk - $10
Hot Fudge* - $10
Coconut - $10
Best Ever Coconut - $10
Chocolate Pecan* - $15
Pecan* - $15
Lemonade - $10
Pies - Individual Mini Pies - package of 2
Coconut Meringue - $5
Chocolate Meringue - $5
Lemon Meringue - $5
Lemonade - $5
Cookies & Candies
Pecan Sandies* - 2 Dozen - $10
Chocolate Chip* - 2 Dozen - $10
Chocolate Chip - 2 Dozen - $10
Oatmeal Raisin - 2 Dozen - $10
Ranger Cookies - 2 Dozen - $10
Peanut Butter Fudge - 2"x4" slab - $5
Praline Grahams - 2 Dozen - $10
Snack Mixes
Ranch Snack Mix* - Medium Bag - $3
Chex Party Mix* - Large Bag - $5
Kiddie Crunch Mix* - Small Bag - $2
Ordering Information
Payment must be made when ordering.
Orders turned in - Delivery/Pick-up
Sunday - Friday
Monday - Friday
Tuesday - Friday
Wednesday - Friday
Thursday - Sunday/Monday
Friday - Sunday/Monday
E-mail me at crystalarcand (at) gmail (dot) com or call me with your order and we'll arrange getting the payment.
Spread the word!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
This Week's Twitter Blatherings
- need a gift card? i have one for sale: #
- ow! i'm taking ibuprofen and going to bed! =P #
- checking e-mail then taking a break from the computer today to rest my eyes; don't miss me too much, lol! #
- RT @tweetmeme Three Different Directions: Teens, Your Zone, Walmart & a $500 Gift Card Giveaway! #
- to bed, to bed! my eyes are turning red! #
- new @ My Book Bliss: Prayer Power by Peter Lundell: Prayer PowerPeter LundellPublisher: Reve.. #
- been working on blogfluence projects all day; getting tired but feeling accomplished #
- *popping head from coding and page creation* oh, hey, hi - what'd i miss? #
- going through Mineola, TX results on facebook and adding connections #
- have we connected on facebook yet? #
- oopsie - Bed Time sneaked past me and hid a couple of hours ago; i better go find it; well, the bed, anyway... #
- Attention Homeschoolers! Amazing Homeschool Deal – Exclusive Savings Code: #
- and now to write for money... #
- Family Fun Month - Tone It Down @KidGlue - don't be deceived by the title - one of my funniest ideas yet is in here! #
- my friend Christine: "My new dog chewed up the How to Learn French book, then went 'oui, oui' all over the floor!" #
- getting ready to try tweetdeck on my dino pc again; hoping this works... #
- testing tweetdeck; can you tweet me now? #
- RT @tweetmeme Three Different Directions: Teens, Your Zone, Walmart & a $500 Gift Card Giveaway! #
- $500 to Walmart from @ahappyhippymom - go enter now! #
- win $500 to walmart from @astheygrowup! #
- starting a new category over at next week: Winning Wednesdays; tune in for the first installment - 200 custom postcards! #
- RT @heartofwisdom: Free Unit Study Daily Planner #homeschool (PDF) <<*fantastic planner* thanks! #
- RT @eaglesforjack: RT @PSGforBiz giving away 6 Dell Mini's by 9/1 RT this message.Top 3 re-tweeters & 3 random followers WIn!! #PSGforBiz #
- RT @PSGforBiz giving away 6 Dell Mini's by 9/1 RT this message.Top 3 re-tweeters & 3 random followers WIn!! #PSGforBiz #
- off to bed... #
- RT @PSGforBiz giving away 6 Dell Mini's by 9/1 RT this message.Top 3 re-tweeters & 3 random followers WIn!! #PSGforBiz #
- chiropractor, store, slides, meet teacher, meet teacher, praise team practice, write; gee, think i'll get done before midnight? me either... #
- RT @shelisrael: FCC: define broadband; nxt they'll ask 4 help re: diff between elbows & buttocks. <<HEHE love it! #
- and it's off to bed for me... #
- win $500 to Walmart from @Merlene and Nestle! #
- win $500 to walmart from @astheygrowup! #
- $500 to Walmart from @ahappyhippymom - go enter now! #
- Walmart & a $500 Gift Card Giveaway from @threedifferent! #
- eat a peppermint patty, then take a nice swig o' sweet tea = yummo! #
- RT @flybabymoni I think everyone (all Americans) should watch the Gov't school House Rock cartoons, esp gov't officials :) <<AMEN! #
- guess i really should finish up the slides for tomorrow... #
- tired and hungry... no wonder - it's 1am! ACK! #
- Walmart & a $500 Gift Card Giveaway from @threedifferent! #
- $500 to Walmart from @ahappyhippymom - go enter now! #
- win $500 to walmart from @astheygrowup! #
- *another* $500 giveaway to Walmart - this one from @susan70070! #
- looking for a cute, free blogger background inspired by Where the Wild Things Are - any pointers? #
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Walmart Money Everywhere!
Yep, you guessed it. Another $500 Walmart giveaway. They're really wanting to promote their Your Zone stuff. Fine by me, with all the chances to win buckoo bucks!
This one is at Life in a House of Blue! The poor woman is outnumbered four to one! Go check out how she improved her eldest son's room and enter for your chance to win $500 to Wallyworld.
I think I'd definitely get a comforter for Brandon since he doesn't really have one that's just for him. Then I'd get some of those clip-on lamps - one for Brandon, since he reads in bed all the time anyway, and maybe one for Sarah. And I was thinking of one for my desk. But then again, that metal loft bed looks cool for Brandon's room, too...
Oh wait, it wouldn't matter - it's 500 stinkin' dollars!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Senior Citizen's Day Friday Fill-in
Today is Senior Citizen's Day. Take time to really listen and learn from someone older in your life today. If you don't have someone older in your life, go to your local nursing home and adopt a grandparent - you'll both benefit tremendously from it.
1. I remember, I remember how much I love watching Michael play his guitar.
2. Dear Stacey, I want you to know that I'm asking God to help me forgive you and more than anything, I want you to have a relationship with God.
3. Is that my Stampin' Up! stuff you're playing with!!???
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of unforgiveness and holding grudges.
5. I'm saving a a giant hug just for you!
6. If I made a birthday list Big Shot Die-Cut Machine and Pillow Box Die from Stampin' Up! would definitely be on it!!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleep, tomorrow my plans include church and Sunday, I want to get the kids all set up for school on Monday!
1. I remember, I remember how much I love watching Michael play his guitar.
2. Dear Stacey, I want you to know that I'm asking God to help me forgive you and more than anything, I want you to have a relationship with God.
3. Is that my Stampin' Up! stuff you're playing with!!???
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of unforgiveness and holding grudges.
5. I'm saving a a giant hug just for you!
6. If I made a birthday list Big Shot Die-Cut Machine and Pillow Box Die from Stampin' Up! would definitely be on it!!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleep, tomorrow my plans include church and Sunday, I want to get the kids all set up for school on Monday!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A THIRD Walmart $500 Giveaway!
Seriously, people, this is getting crazy! But you don't see me complaining - you see me tweeting daily, blogging, and crossing my fingers, and praying.
$500 to Walmart would be incredibly wonderful. I could get the kids new shoes. I could get Michael a new pair of sneakers. I could get more drawers for my stamping goodies. I could get all kinds of stuff! What would you get?
Go visit AsTheyGrowUp to enter to win a $500 gift card to Walmart.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Amazing Homeschool Deal - Exclusive Savings Code
Attention Homeschoolers!
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is currently running their Summer Bouquet subscription promotion, in which they give away more than $400 in gifts to each of the first 5,000 people who purchase a two-year TOS magazine subscription or renewal. (U.S. subscriptions only. )
Each of those first 5,000 subscribers will receive 19 great gifts, including:
- $20 gift card for DVDs offered by Franklin Springs Family Media
- A Cooking with Children CD from SueGreggCookbooks
- An online filmmaking course given by Advent Film Group (approximately $49 value)
- Gourmet Crepe Mix and Raspberry Cheesecake Blend from Wildtree-YUMMY!!
- A 10 x 13 portrait photo free from Sears to YOU (with no sitting fee!)
And much, much more! Take a look at all 19 free gifts here.
Each of these 19 gifts has a value of up to $10 to $49! And none of them requires additional shipping charges; for the most part, your only expense will be the cost of the stamp on the envelope or postcard that you mail in to redeem a gift. This awesome promotion gives homeschoolers a taste of some exceptional FREE products from a variety of sources.
*insert commercial voice here*
But wait, it get's better! The Old Schoolhouse has given me an exclusive code for you to save an additional $5 off of your subscription.
Use code CASGL5OFF to save an additional $5 off your
- 2-year US subscription,
- 2 year-plus current issue (Fall) subscription, or
- renewal of The Old School Magazine!
What are you still doing here? Go get The Old School Magazine already!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Prayer Power by Peter Lundell
[caption id="attachment_2571" align="alignleft" width="120" caption="Prayer Power
Peter Lundell
Publisher: Revell (1/1/09)
240 pages
Retail: $12.99"]

[/caption]In the crazy world around us, our prayers may too often seem ineffective. Do you want to connect with God when you pray and receive more direct answers? Prayer Power is the tool you need to build a more powerful and dynamic life of prayer.
Intensely practical and straightforward, Prayer Power helps you improve on thirty essential facets of prayer such as passion, routine, fasting, praying with others, listening to God, handling distractions, and spiritual warfare. In each brief chapter you'll be inspired by stories of people whose lives of prayer give us powerful examples.
Prayer Power can be used as a month-long devotional, a prayer guide, or a reference for help in specific areas. Whether you're a new believer or think you've heard it all, this book's refreshing and honest insight will guide you to a deeper connection with God.[caption id="attachment_2572" align="alignright" width="120" caption="author Peter Lundell"]

About the Author:
Peter Lundell, a former missionary to Japan, is a pastor at Walnut Blessing Church in Walnut, California. He has an MDiv and DMiss from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the founder of the Walnut Valley Pastors' Prayer Network. Lundell is the author of two books, and his articles have appeared in magazines such as Guideposts and Pray!
Q & A with Peter
Many Christians don't talk about hardships with prayer. Why do you open up about the struggles you have had drawing close to God in prayer?
What are some of the things God has taught you about prayer over the years - especially from the perspective of your leadership roles?
What do you mean by "praying boldly" and how can Christians learn to do that?
How can we practice the presence of God and include him in everyday tasks?
You're a proponent for creating a place of prayer and establishing a time of prayer. Why are these important elements for prayer?
What advice would you give to people who struggle with God when they pray?
[caption id="attachment_2575" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Enter to win this prayer basket, full of tools to make your prayer time more meaningful!"]

[/caption]One commenter from 3 Stairs will be entered into the grand prize drawing for a prayer basket!
*Prayer Power by Peter Lundell
*When God Turned off the Lights by Cecil Murphey (Cec is one of Peter's mentors)
*Committed but Flawed by Cecil Murphey
*Prayer Journal
How to Enter:
Leave a comment telling me about a struggle you've had with prayer.
Extra Entries:
I'll let Random.org choose a winner on the morning of Tuesday, September 8, so get your entries in by 11:59 pm on Monday, September 7.
Peter Lundell
Publisher: Revell (1/1/09)
240 pages
Retail: $12.99"]
[/caption]In the crazy world around us, our prayers may too often seem ineffective. Do you want to connect with God when you pray and receive more direct answers? Prayer Power is the tool you need to build a more powerful and dynamic life of prayer.
Intensely practical and straightforward, Prayer Power helps you improve on thirty essential facets of prayer such as passion, routine, fasting, praying with others, listening to God, handling distractions, and spiritual warfare. In each brief chapter you'll be inspired by stories of people whose lives of prayer give us powerful examples.
Prayer Power can be used as a month-long devotional, a prayer guide, or a reference for help in specific areas. Whether you're a new believer or think you've heard it all, this book's refreshing and honest insight will guide you to a deeper connection with God.[caption id="attachment_2572" align="alignright" width="120" caption="author Peter Lundell"]
About the Author:
Peter Lundell, a former missionary to Japan, is a pastor at Walnut Blessing Church in Walnut, California. He has an MDiv and DMiss from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the founder of the Walnut Valley Pastors' Prayer Network. Lundell is the author of two books, and his articles have appeared in magazines such as Guideposts and Pray!
Q & A with Peter
Many Christians don't talk about hardships with prayer. Why do you open up about the struggles you have had drawing close to God in prayer?
My first draft of the book read like an instruction manual of all the things you ought to do to be spiritual like me. I realized that the more spiritual I tried to sound, the less honest I was being. I was hiding behind my words. No reader should have to put up with all that. And besides, it was boring.
So I determined to be totally honest. I rewrote the book and openly shared my doubts, struggles, and failures, because everybody goes through the same things. And if I’m not honest with readers, how can I expect readers to be honest with others or even themselves?
I take sort of an “I mess up and you mess up, but God loves us anyway, so let’s connect with him” approach. Readers often tell me how much they identify with that. And when they read about how God still worked amazing things in my life and in others’, it gives them hope.
I’ve discovered two things: First, honesty is liberating, and I don’t want to live any other way. Second, when we stick with prayer and don’t give up, answers and victories rise from our struggles. Answers and victory never rise from pretending.
I hope to connect with readers so that they’ll in turn connect with me and the victories I’ve experienced—so that they will experience their own victories.
What are some of the things God has taught you about prayer over the years - especially from the perspective of your leadership roles?
It’s good to listen before I talk. If I always dive into prayer and never spend time listening, I only dump my own “give-me list” on God. But his word says in 1 John 5:14–15 that when I seek and pray according to his will, my prayer will be answered. So the key is to first get in sync with God.
We’ve got to have a hunger, or thirst, for God. Without hunger, no program or technique or anything we learn will go anywhere. But with hunger for God, we could know almost nothing and still have a great prayer life. Hunger is singularly important—which is why it’s the first chapter.
When I pray with faith and don’t get what I ask for, God will soon show me why. There is always something to learn in unanswered prayer.
What do you mean by "praying boldly" and how can Christians learn to do that?
Praying boldly is the opposite of excessively polite prayer and of—I’ll just say it—wimpy prayer. Praying boldly is praying without intimidation, not caring what other people think, expressing ourselves to God without concern for being appropriate or religiously correct but rather with a passion from our guts that pours out, unashamedly. Bold prayer is not arrogant. It’s humble and faithful, because of its self-abandoned focus on God and expectation of what God will do.
People often assume they must be polite or solemn before God. Nowhere does the Bible teach this. Two thirds of the Psalms are complaints, and they are not polite. Most prayers in both Old and New Testaments are bold, expectant, and to the point. When Jesus teaches on prayer in Luke 11:5–10, he talks about an obnoxious guy who bangs on his friend’s door at midnight. Then he says we should bug him the same way by continually asking, seeking, and knocking. I often wonder if God gets tired of diplomatic prayers. Why else would he actually tell us to be bold and persistent—and use examples that, if we were on the receiving end, most of us would say are obnoxious.
There’s no real method to doing this. It’s a mindset that chooses to free itself from previous assumptions and uses the Bible as a model of how to pray.
How can we practice the presence of God and include him in everyday tasks?
Practicing the presence of God primarily has to do with developing an attitude, a continual awareness that God is always with us, and that in turn, we always incline our attention toward him.
The first thing most of us need to do is to slow down or cut unnecessary activities from our calendar. Busyness is an enemy to practicing the presence of God. Jesus repeatedly blew off other people’s agendas for him and continually focused on his purpose for being here. Pastors who do the same are always happier, closer to God, and more effective. And when we practice the presence of God, we increase our ability to be intimate with him when times do get busy.
Here are some practices that may help develop that attitude: My last thought before I sleep and my first thought when I wake up is centered on God. When I get mad or stressed, I try to see things from God’s perspective. When I am waiting for someone, I use that time to pray. I do menial tasks with an awareness and love of God. I often have a praise song on my mind as I go through the day.
You're a proponent for creating a place of prayer and establishing a time of prayer. Why are these important elements for prayer?
These two disciplines are the most important external helps for maintaining a strong prayer life. Without them, our good intentions eventually drown under the assaults of busyness and distractions.
A place of prayer helps us concentrate in the face of distractions. That place could be the church sanctuary, an empty room in the house, a spot in the back yard, or even a rug laid out on the floor, on which the only thing we do is pray. The physical surroundings of a location devoted to prayer tell our brains, “Focus on God.” And if we ever feel bored or in a rut of over-familiarity with a place, a change of location can be stimulating.
Establishing a set prayer time engrains a habit of prayer into our minds, such that if we miss it, we feel anxious because something is missing or wrong—and it is! A set prayer time is not to force ourselves to pray as much as to create a boundary of protection from busyness. That boundary of time is like a protective fence around a garden, where we give ourselves freedom from intrusions to spend unhindered time with God. Preferably we’ll do this as early as possible in the morning, so we can lay the whole day before the Lord. And unlike a prayer place, I have never found benefit in changing my prayer time, so I highly recommend keeping it sacred, especially if we’re travelling or really busy. Whether short or long, this protective fence of a set time must be intentional, because no one else can do it for us.
What advice would you give to people who struggle with God when they pray?
True men and women of prayer will sometimes struggle in prayer, as did many figures in the Bible, like Jacob’s symbolic wrestling with the angel and Jesus’ wrestling over his fate in Gethsemane.
Like anyone else, I struggle with unanswered prayer or major decisions to do something by faith, when tragedy strikes, problems of injustice, and healings that take a lot longer than I’d like. The key is to keep struggling—don’t give up and too quickly assume something is God’s will before you know for sure. The angel commended Jacob for not giving up until he got a blessing. God the Father actually sent an angel to help Jesus wrestle in Gethsemane. Sometimes wrestling in prayer is God’s will for us.
Wrestling in prayer is actually a good thing. It draws us closer to God. And it changes us in the process. And that’s what most of us hope for!
[caption id="attachment_2575" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Enter to win this prayer basket, full of tools to make your prayer time more meaningful!"]
[/caption]One commenter from 3 Stairs will be entered into the grand prize drawing for a prayer basket!
*Prayer Power by Peter Lundell
*When God Turned off the Lights by Cecil Murphey (Cec is one of Peter's mentors)
*Committed but Flawed by Cecil Murphey
*Prayer Journal
How to Enter:
Leave a comment telling me about a struggle you've had with prayer.
Extra Entries:
- Second Entry: Tweet this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to the tweet.
enter to win a prayer basket with books from Peter Lundell and Cecil Murphey @3stairs! http://bit.ly/12f0IU
- Third Entry: Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment letting me know your Twitter user name.
- Fourth Entry: Subscribe to 3Stairs and leave a comment letting me know if you subscribed with RSS or via e-mail.
- Fifth Entry: Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your post.
- Sixth Entry: Add a 3Stairs button to your blog and leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can visit!
I'll let Random.org choose a winner on the morning of Tuesday, September 8, so get your entries in by 11:59 pm on Monday, September 7.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
This Week's Twitter Blatherings
- Brandon's party = big hit! 4-foot long green light saber cake; pictures to come later; star wars booty galore; Brandon is a happy 9yo! #
- here's brandon's 4-foot long light saber cake - isn't is Awesome Cool?! #
- dang, even as an 80's nerd, @wilw is still nommy *sigh* #crush #
- the slumber siren is singing to me,
serenading me to sleep.
and so i slip off to bed -
to rest, to dream, to sleep. # - so tired and sore today; just want to crawl into bed and stay there... #
- chriopractor - check; brandon birthday shopping - check (spy kit, calculator ruler, and led keychain light & laser); still tired - check #
- kids to bed, and now to write... #
- gonna listen to bellydance music to keep me hyped up while i write about firing up some family fun for @kidglue; yeah, i'm weird =D #
- done with post; thinking about dying my hair... #
- off to dye my hair, then shower, then bed, then lunch with a friend tomorrow - g'night! #
- gotta start looking around bloomingdales.com... =D #
- gonna go chill until wheel of fortune comes on, then i'm gonna crochet while i watch; then i just may go to bed... #
- taking my hurting eyes back to bed... #
- still have a headache and my eyes still hurt; i think i'm going to have to go get an eye exam - ugh... #
- giveaway ends tomorrow - make sure you get all your entries in! visit @3stairs to win a vintage bonnet apron! #
- time for Love Dare Bible study #
- and now to write a post for tomorrow; can you guess what holiday is tomorrow that i'm writing about? #
- giveaway ends tonight - make sure you get all your entries in to win a vintage bonnet apron! #
- today is left hander's day! did you know about these lefties? #
- giveaway ends tonight - make sure you get all your entries in to win a vintage bonnet apron! #
- giveaway ends in a little over an hour - make sure you get all your entries in to win a vintage bonnet apron! #
- time to get ready to go help at the garage sale; if you're in mineola come to 909 s pacific and help us go to a women's convention! #
- 500th tweet 2 RT wins FREE Swimsuit fr @SlimPerfect.50% off alr.red. prices thru 8/31 Promo code BLOGHER #
- just getting to know @TimInman - congrats on Maggie Joy - she is beautiful (as is the rest of your family); and Ireland??? i'm *so* jealous! #
- 3yo bethy just came to me and said, "I want anybody to rock me" #
- eating lean cuisine sweet/sour chicken mixed w/ chicken fried rice w/ new chopsticks i got from @buychopsticks =D #
- off to bed with meself, then... #
- kids brought us a special Sabbath breakfast in bed - warm pop tarts :) #
- RT @tweetmeme Three Different Directions: Teens, Your Zone, Walmart & a $500 Gift Card Giveaway! #
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Win Another $500 Walmart Gift Card!
Ok, how's this for crazy wild? I found another site giving away a $500 gift card to Walmart! Oh yeah, I'm entering!
This time, it's A Happy Hippy Mom, whose daughter will be a *GASP* teen next year! I know the feeling. The horrific epiphany that my eldest is only three years away from teendom sent shivers coursing through my body last week. And I still have three years to go! I already tell people that Sarah is a sixteen-year-old trapped in a six-year-old body. Can you imagine how fun she will be???
But enough about me and teens and my completely rational and real fears (albeit a bit early), go enter already!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Creamsicle Day Friday Fill-in
Today is Creamsicle Day and the weather is certainly perfect for it, so make sure you celebrate!

1. When will I learn to go to bed at a decent hour?
2. How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I’m Surrounded by Loose Cannons? by Kathi Macias was the last good book I read or movie I saw or tv show I watched.
3. Everything has its beauty but sometimes you have to wait for it to decompose and fertilize a flower to see it.
4. A snack bag of Cool Ranch Doritos is what I had for dinner.
5. I'd like your prayers that Bethy will be potty trained completely so she can go to school in ten days so she won't miss out on literally everything in town that she could do if she were potty trained.
6. Right here is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleep, tomorrow my plans include listening to Ronny sing special music at church and Sunday, I want to make a ton of money at the women's ministry yard sale and bake sale!
1. When will I learn to go to bed at a decent hour?
2. How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I’m Surrounded by Loose Cannons? by Kathi Macias was the last good book I read or movie I saw or tv show I watched.
3. Everything has its beauty but sometimes you have to wait for it to decompose and fertilize a flower to see it.
4. A snack bag of Cool Ranch Doritos is what I had for dinner.
5. I'd like your prayers that Bethy will be potty trained completely so she can go to school in ten days so she won't miss out on literally everything in town that she could do if she were potty trained.
6. Right here is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleep, tomorrow my plans include listening to Ronny sing special music at church and Sunday, I want to make a ton of money at the women's ministry yard sale and bake sale!
Apronista Apron Fest Giveaway Winner!
Random.org has done it's job and selected a winner from the 33 comments for the Apronista Apron Fest Giveway vintage bonnet apron. So what great comment won?
Thanks, Cindi
Congratulations, Cindi!
Win a $500 Walmart Gift Card!
How's this for Frugal Friday? Free money. HA! Beat that, frugal gurus!
Who wouldn't want a $500 gift card to Walmart? Not me - I want it so bad, I'm blogging about it! Tammy over at Three Different Directions is giving away a $500 gift card to Walmart! Don't believe? Go check it out for yourself!
I'm not sure if I'd get practical stuff with it or really go shopping, but boy, I wouldn't mind having that conundrum! What would you do with $500 to spend at Walmart?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Ow! and Other News...
It seems my eyes have changed, and they are cranky. I was diagnosed with a very mild astigmatism back in college and given the lowest prescription possible for glasses to use while reading. I pull them out every once in a while when my eyes start bothering me. This time, there was a noticeable difference in perception when I put my glasses on, which troubled me. Further troubling is that they're not alleviating the eye pain and headaches. Conclusion: an eye exam is in my future, and most likely glasses.
Other tidbits:
- I dyed my hair late Monday night. I just lightened it up a bit. It's still strawberry blonde.
- I had lunch with my dear friend Trish on Tuesday and did some brainstorming about her business. There are exciting things coming!
- I wrote a post about Left Hander's Day on KidGlue - check it out.
- The women's ministry for my church is having a yard sale on Friday and Sunday to raise money for lodging at the NAD women's convention. If you're anywhere near Mineola, come see us and buy stuff! I crocheted a 4-foot-square lap blanket just for this fundraiser that will be at the yard sale - come and get a one-of-a-kind hand-made heirloom and help us out! We'll be having a bake sale at the local Wal-Mart on Sunday, too, so you can buy stuff or buy food - take your pick!
- School starts in eleven days - huzzah! Ok, I got a little exclamation point happy there. I'm back now.
- Bethy isn't ready yet.
- Don't forget to enter the Apronista Apron Fest Giveaway - it closes tonight!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Brandon's Light Saber Cake
My oldest baby turned 9 today. We had a Star Wars party, complete with green light saber cake. Check out the Awesome!
This sucker is 4 feet long! Brandon totally loved it.
This sucker is 4 feet long! Brandon totally loved it.
Brandon's Birthday Friday Fill-in
Yesterday was crazy so I didn't get the Friday fill-in done. Oopsie. Here it is tonight instead.

1. Watermelon is my favorite summertime treat.
2. My favorite John Hughes movies is The Breakfast Club.
3. Baby hair is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon is gorgeous.
5. Dixie and Joel are here right now.
6. When daylight fades I wake up.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to visiting with Dixie and Joel, tomorrow my plans include Brandon's birthday party and Monday, I want to get a call from the local vision center telling us Brandon won the Spongebob coloring contest!
1. Watermelon is my favorite summertime treat.
2. My favorite John Hughes movies is The Breakfast Club.
3. Baby hair is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon is gorgeous.
5. Dixie and Joel are here right now.
6. When daylight fades I wake up.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to visiting with Dixie and Joel, tomorrow my plans include Brandon's birthday party and Monday, I want to get a call from the local vision center telling us Brandon won the Spongebob coloring contest!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Large Format Poster Winner
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Apronista Apron Fest Giveaway
[caption id="attachment_2499" align="alignright" width="62" caption="Sarah modeling (and Bootsie's tail)"]
[/caption]The Apronista is hosting an Apronfest all week long to celebrate her birthday (happy birthday, btw!) with tons of apron giveaways all over the interwebs. There are currently 36 giveaways listed on Mr. Linky, so go get busy! (Well, as soon as you're done reading here, of course.)
I'm getting in on the act by giving away a darling red and white bonnet apron. What's a bonnet apron? Only the pinnacle of mulit-tasking perfection! Now, I have to confess I was stumped by the buttons and button holes on this little number. I couldn't get it to fold up right! Then I realized what I had my hands on!
Want it? Of course you do, that's why you're here!
How to Enter:
Leave a comment telling me what you bake the most often. [caption id="attachment_2511" align="alignright" width="101" caption="Shaded and ready to go"]
[caption id="attachment_2500" align="alignright" width="96" caption="Look, it's Sunbonnet Sarah!"]
[/caption]Extra Entries:
Tweet this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to the tweet.
Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment letting me know your Twitter user name.- Subscribe to 3Stairs and leave a comment letting me know if you subscribed with RSS or via e-mail.
- Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your post.
- Add a 3Stairs button to your blog and leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can visit!
I'll let Random.org choose a winner on Friday, August 14, so get your entries in by 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 13.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Oh yeah, I forgot
I realized I forgot several things I wanted to share with you last night, but it was just too late to go back and add them. Don't fall over from the shock of posts on consecutive days. Hopefully, it'll be happening a lot more often.
Yesterday I got an e-mail notifying me that I won this giveaway for an Ava Market Tote from Wicked Stitch Designs. I got to choose my outside and interior fabric, so I picked black for the outside and this for the inside:
I should be getting it in about 3 weeks. I'm so excited!
Then to add to my excitement, I got an e-mail this morning saying I won this giveaway for some chopsticks. Totally sweet, since this was one giveaway I was really hoping I'd win. Here are the lovelies I'll be getting:
I received an exclusive coupon link to share with you from My Blog Spark. Click here for your New 50 Calorie Fiber One Yogurt $1.00 Coupon!
My favorite affiliate company is having a back-to-school sale. Little Miss Matched has new back-to-school dresses, and new leg warmers & arm warmers, too.
Check it out!
And oh boy, do I have something Absolutely and Totally Fabulous for my homeschooling readers!
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is currently running their Summer Bouquet subscription promotion, in which they give away more than $400 in gifts to each of the first 5,000 people who purchase a two-year TOS magazine subscription or renewal. (U.S. subscriptions only. )
Each of those first 5,000 subscribers will receive 19 great gifts, including:
And much, much more! Take a look at all 19 free gifts here.
Each of these 19 gifts has a value of up to $10 to $49! And none of them requires additional shipping charges; for the most part, your only expense will be the cost of the stamp on the envelope or postcard that you mail in to redeem a gift. This awesome promotion gives homeschoolers a taste of some exceptional FREE products from a variety of sources.
*insert commercial voice here*
But wait, it get's better! The Old Schoolhouse has given me an exclusive code for you to save an additional $5 off of your subscription.
Use code CASGL5OFF to save an additional $5 off your 2-year US subscription, a 2 year-plus current issue (Fall) subscription, or a renewal of The Old School Magazine!
And don't forget to enter to win an 18x24 digital print!
Entry deadline is tonight at 11:59 pm!
Ok, now I'm done.
Until I get the apron giveaway posted...
Then to add to my excitement, I got an e-mail this morning saying I won this giveaway for some chopsticks. Totally sweet, since this was one giveaway I was really hoping I'd win. Here are the lovelies I'll be getting:
My favorite affiliate company is having a back-to-school sale. Little Miss Matched has new back-to-school dresses, and new leg warmers & arm warmers, too.
Check it out!
And oh boy, do I have something Absolutely and Totally Fabulous for my homeschooling readers!
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is currently running their Summer Bouquet subscription promotion, in which they give away more than $400 in gifts to each of the first 5,000 people who purchase a two-year TOS magazine subscription or renewal. (U.S. subscriptions only. )
Each of those first 5,000 subscribers will receive 19 great gifts, including:
- $20 gift card for DVDs offered by Franklin Springs Family Media
- A Cooking with Children CD from SueGreggCookbooks
- An online filmmaking course given by Advent Film Group (approximately $49 value)
- Gourmet Crepe Mix and Raspberry Cheesecake Blend from Wildtree-YUMMY!!
- A 10 x 13 portrait photo free from Sears to YOU (with no sitting fee!)
Each of these 19 gifts has a value of up to $10 to $49! And none of them requires additional shipping charges; for the most part, your only expense will be the cost of the stamp on the envelope or postcard that you mail in to redeem a gift. This awesome promotion gives homeschoolers a taste of some exceptional FREE products from a variety of sources.
*insert commercial voice here*
But wait, it get's better! The Old Schoolhouse has given me an exclusive code for you to save an additional $5 off of your subscription.
Use code CASGL5OFF to save an additional $5 off your 2-year US subscription, a 2 year-plus current issue (Fall) subscription, or a renewal of The Old School Magazine!
And don't forget to enter to win an 18x24 digital print!
Entry deadline is tonight at 11:59 pm!
Ok, now I'm done.
Until I get the apron giveaway posted...
What's New, Pussycat?
I've decided to try to update more frequently with the regular, day-to-day stuff of my life so you can get to know me a little better (and vice-versa when you comment) and I can (hopefully) hone my writing skills a bit. So here goes:
Don't forget to enter to win an 18x24 digital print!
Entry deadline is 11:59 pm on Wednesday, August 5.
The UPS man brought this to my door yesterday. It's organic gold label virgin coconut oil from Tropical Traditions. I also got a book about it with recipes. I'll be reviewing it soon, so keep an eye out. We like beans here, and there's a recipe for black beans that I plan on trying, as well as a pinto bean soup. Then again, the coconut smoothie sounds really good and the nutrition information looks like it's a powerhouse.
Today's mail brought my copy of When Someone You Love Has Cancer by Cecil Murphey from Kathy. It's a lovely little book with wonderful illustrations. It's like a gift book, but doubly so, since the message inside of it is such a gift in and of itself. I hope to post a review of this soon, as well.
I've got another blog tour coming up on Tuesday, 18 August about a book called Prayer Power by Peter Lundell, so be sure you stop by and check it out.
The Apronista is hosting an Apronfest all week long to celebrate her birthday (happy birthday, btw!) with tons of apron giveaways all over the interwebs. There are currently 31 giveaways listed on Mr. Linky, so go get busy! (Well, as soon as you're done reading here, of course.) I took some pictures of Sarah modeling a great little bonnet apron in red and white that I plan on giving away to celebrate, so look for that post Wednesday afternoon or Thursday.
I got an e-mail today from the ever-wonderful Kathi Lipp about a top-secret project we're working on together, which has me really excited. You should probably get excited, too. Just sayin'...
I'm doing a series of weekly posts about Family Fun Month over at KidGlue.com and continue to highlight a food-related holiday (AKA foodieday) and a fun holiday each week. Be sure to check out my posts there.
In family news, Sarah goes for her annual check-up tomorrow and Brandon had his last week. He had to get his second chicken pox shot and he was not a happy camper. He had a mild allergic reaction to it where the injection site swelled a bit and turned red. We took him back in to have it checked and they said he would be fine, which was a relief.
Bethy is in the throes of potty training. We bit the bullet and have her in training panties during the day. The last couple of days she seems to be doing pretty well. I'm still concerned about having her "completely" potty trained before school, though. The whole wiping thing is still a foreign concept to her. ACK! Pray for us; please, pray for us!
I think that's about it for now...
Don't forget to enter to win an 18x24 digital print!
Entry deadline is 11:59 pm on Wednesday, August 5.
I've got another blog tour coming up on Tuesday, 18 August about a book called Prayer Power by Peter Lundell, so be sure you stop by and check it out.
I got an e-mail today from the ever-wonderful Kathi Lipp about a top-secret project we're working on together, which has me really excited. You should probably get excited, too. Just sayin'...
I'm doing a series of weekly posts about Family Fun Month over at KidGlue.com and continue to highlight a food-related holiday (AKA foodieday) and a fun holiday each week. Be sure to check out my posts there.
In family news, Sarah goes for her annual check-up tomorrow and Brandon had his last week. He had to get his second chicken pox shot and he was not a happy camper. He had a mild allergic reaction to it where the injection site swelled a bit and turned red. We took him back in to have it checked and they said he would be fine, which was a relief.
Bethy is in the throes of potty training. We bit the bullet and have her in training panties during the day. The last couple of days she seems to be doing pretty well. I'm still concerned about having her "completely" potty trained before school, though. The whole wiping thing is still a foreign concept to her. ACK! Pray for us; please, pray for us!
I think that's about it for now...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
First August Friday Fill-in
1. It's time for Little Toot to go to bed.
2. On the bed with your face in the pillow; it's not a bad place for screaming.
3. I must be crazy for marrying Michael (that's what he says).
4. Nursing my babies is the best thing I have ever known.
5. My philosophy in conflict is simply this: agree with me already!
6. The last time I laughed really loudly was at the VBS staff party.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Bethany Anne going to bed, tomorrow my plans include lunch after church with Trish and Sunday, I want to go to sewing circle!
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