Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
2. The way I view some things is a little different.
3. In addition, many people don't get that.
4. Immediately (I wish) is the way we do it here!
5. At the end of the year, I like to hope for a better next year.
6. Becoming a better person is one of the things I'm looking forward to in 2012.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a quiet evening, tomorrow my plans include watching the ball drop and enjoying a toast with my hubby and Sunday, I want to eat a bit of cabbage without Sam having major gas!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Perhaps not peace, but endurance
At least, there's none inside my head.
There's not time for the cry that threatens, though.
I must push it back,
for there's things to do:
others' tears to dry,
and squabbles to settle.
Meals to make, and dreams to peddle.
No, my dear ones, we've not got it all. Perhaps, some say, we've got none at all.
But we've still got us, and that's not small.
My little whos, the world is big, 'tis true.
There will be bad that comes, but we'll make it through.
We always do.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins - More Christmas Lyrics
2. The first Noel, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay.
3. Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh. O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old.
5. When I was small I believed in Santa Claus, and now that I'm old, I wish he was real.
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing from within your heart.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to absolutely nothing, tomorrow my plans include church and Sunday, I want to survive the day!
God Heard
I named you five years ago.
I asked God where you were for all that time -
who you were.
I wondered if you were some deluded figment of my imagination,
a half-whispered hope that would never be realized.
But God heard.
He heard my hurt.
He heard my wondering.
He heard the things I still don't know that I said in my heart.
And He answered with you.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tripping through Tuesday
I went to my first Boy Scouts Court of Honor tonight. It was fun to see the boys of the troop interacting and I liked seeing the older ones encouraging the younger ones to reach for levels. One of them referred to the last three levels as "becoming a man." I like that. I hope that Brandon (and eventually Sam) will learn not only life skills and survival skills, but how to be a modern-day knight. Chivalry, honor, loyalty, duty, compassion: these are some of the values I want my sons to embody as they become men. I'm thankful for programs like Boy Scouts that help me to instill those values into them.
We don't have a lot planned for the holidays. We're just trying to keep the chaos contained so Dad can get some work done. With four kids in the house, that's a tall order! Tomorrow afternoon I'll drag them all to Mineola Eyecare to get Sarah's glasses during their open house so they can visit Santa and get out of the house for a bit. The doctor said she could really do without glasses, but Sarah's been fussing so much he said she could go ahead and have the mild prescription she needs for the classroom and watching television. I think she wants glasses because she's been feeling left out between Brandon and Bethany both having glasses. Yippee - three pairs of glasses to keep up with!
Such an exciting life I lead, isn't it? No matter how boring or exciting or hard you think your life may be, try to be thankful, because it is very likely that someone else is living a life even more so. Me? Tonight I'm enjoying the warm little wiggle worm next to me and the picture of that cute little reindeer up there. That's Bethy enjoying her class Christmas party. What's your reindeer for today?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Testing, testing, 1-2-3...
Friday, December 16, 2011
Internet Awesomesauce
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Photo via Geeks are Sexy |
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Photo via Wild Olive |
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Photo via The Pineapple Room |
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Photo via E-junkie |
Friday Fill-Ins - Christmas Lyric Version
2. It's coming on Christmas, they're cutting down trees somethingsomething singing songs of joy and peace.
3. You're a mean one Mr. Grinch.
4. Father Christmas come our way, fill our hearts with love today.
5. Silent night holy night. If only I could sleep tonight...
6. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth (but really someone to clean my house)!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a whole lotta nuthin', tomorrow my plans include a little Christmas prep and a nap and Sunday, I want to start tackling this stinkin' living room - it's driving me crazy!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Counting List
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ASL number signs |
- crochet stitches - I count stitches when I start any project, but making hats especially turns me into a counting nut.
- train cars (though I'm trying to stop myself from doing that because it makes me woozy)
- tea bags - gotta have my tea!
- I joked with someone yesterday that I ought to start counting my kids like teachers do to make sure I've got them all!
- e-mails - I find myself fascinated with how many e-mails I automatically delete. I'm working on unsubscribing from those that I usually delete, so hopefully I'll stop counting that soon.
- Are you a counter?
- What do you find yourself counting without thinking?
- If you have a counting habit, does your counting habit bother you?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Crochet Half-Double Crochet (HDC) Circle
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Crystal's HDC Flat Circle Cloth |
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Be Brave, Piglet
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
2. Have a New Kid By Friday is what I'm reading right now. It's giving me a game plan to turn my family life around.
3. I didn't start out this way, really. Before taking Speech and Theatre classes from Larry Wisdom, I barely spoke above a whisper. Now, I have the supreme joy of reading books aloud to children and being told I'm a great storyteller.
4. I'd like to tell them off, to tell the truth.
5. The best way to enjoy a cold day is in a comfy seat with a blanket, a book, and a good cup of tea.
6. This is the reason I am fun to kids - part of me has never grown up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner at Mom's, taking the kids to see Christmas lights, and sleep, of course, tomorrow my plans include the church's Christmas dinner and Sunday, I want to see if not speaking all day will get my voice back!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
New App Alert: The Sounds of Night
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DESCRIPTION: The Sounds of Night is a book app that helps put a child's mind at ease when the lights go out at bedtime. This book addresses one of the primary feelings young children face; fear. The Sounds of Night reinforces the principle that God is the Creator of every creature. Since God makes all the animals that scurry and screech at night, children can lie down and sleep in peace.
FEATURES: The Sounds of Night has over 75 touch points/interactions. It has rich illustrations and 4 Bible verses on fear that kids can learn with their parents and share with their friends.
DEVELOPMENT: Jessica Kirkland is a member of Moms with Apps. She recently launched Christian Apps 4 Kids, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. Her inaugural app is a result of the fear that was such a part of her life:
In every season of life, the Enemy would whisper the lie that I would “never make it” to the next. I believed it. Time and time again, I thought his words held power. As a young child, I never thought I would live to see my school years. Once I entered school, I never thought I would live to see the next day, next grade, or milestone in life. I listened to a very real enemy, even though I didn’t want to. Even though I came from a strong, Christian family, I felt powerless to stop the lies. Fear gripped me, stole from me, and taunted every careful step I took.
Jessica believes the only way to be free from fear, as an adult or child, is to replace fearful thoughts with God's Word. Her desire for each book project is that they not only build character, but help set kids free.
The book app was developed in partnership with ROAR.
Jessica Kirkland lives in Southeast Texas with her husband, Robb, and five-year-old triplets. She is an author and speaker whose greatest passion in life is to see young families grow deeper in their walk with God. Jessica's newest adventure includes launching Christian Apps 4 Kids, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. A recent release is a book app that addresses fear and scary nighttime sounds called The Sounds of Night, designed for kids ages 2-8. When Jessica isn't writing, you can find her cheering her boys on at the soccer field, or watching her little girl at the dance studio.
To find out more about her current writing projects, connect with her or on her personal blog:
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$75 Best Buy Gift Card
One commenter will be chosen at random to be entered into a grand-prize drawing for a $75 Best Buy gift card! Simply leave a comment on this post telling us what you've done so far to help your child get over fear of the dark. Leave your comment before 11:59 pm on December 15. The winner will be announced on December 19. Good luck!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
1. One of my favorite things about December is Rankin-Bass Christmas shows.
2. I like handmade ornaments!
3. This is what I'm hoping for today/tonight: some rest because tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
4. Does there have to be constant noise?
5. Ooh, a bed - I need to test it with a nap.
6. Salvation Army bells are ringing!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet before the storm of tomorrow, tomorrow my plans include seeing Brandon help a Brother Scout with his Eagle Project, Mineola MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Breakfast with Santa and the Christmas parade with my Brownie Girl Scouts and Sunday, I want to sleep for a long, long time!
Friday Fill-Ins
1. One of my favorite things about December is Rankin-Bass Christmas shows.
2. I like handmade ornaments!
3. This is what I'm hoping for today/tonight: some rest because tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
4. Does there have to be constant noise?
5. Ooh, a bed - I need to test it with a nap.
6. Salvation Army bells are ringing!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet before the storm of tomorrow, tomorrow my plans include seeing Brandon help a Brother Scout with his Eagle Project, Mineola MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Breakfast with Santa and the Christmas parade with my Brownie Girl Scouts and Sunday, I want to sleep for a long, long time!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Custom Event Tickets Winner
Superfast Giveaway - Postcards!
I love postcards. Why? They're cheaper to mail, number one. Secondly, they work for so many things.
Need a business card that really stands out? Postcard's your man.
Calendar for your organization's events? Call Mr. Postcard.
Fast, easy thank-you cards that you can hand out? Yep. Ol' Posty to the rescue.
Postcard printing used to be a pain, what with the how-to-get-it-to-fit-on-the-paper fiasco and all. You almost needed a degree to get the job done. Now, online printing makes it a breeze. Don't believe me? Test it for yourself. One lucky winner will get 100 postcards just to see how easy it is to take advantage of those little slips of cardstock that do so much.
Here's the details:
- 100 Postcards for One (1) Winner
- 5" x 7"
- 14pt Cardstock Gloss
- No Folding
- Front Only Printing
- 2 Business Days Print Turnaround Time
- Limited to US residents 18 years old and above only
Entering is easy - just leave a comment sharing what you'll do with your postcards! Enter fast - this giveaway will end on September 15 at 10 pm Central Standard Time!
This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting.
No monetary compensation was given and I will receive a set of postcards for hosting.
Friday Fill-Ins
2. I finished the earwarmer for my friend Donyale in time for her to wear it to the game tonight so her ears don't freeze off...phew!
3. It's right there, in the middle of the floor, most likely.
4. I don't remember the last time I had peace of mind.
5. Water is therapy - especially when it's warm and in a bath or shower.
6. "Put a cork in it or tie it in a knot," is what my grandmother used to say!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet nothingness, tomorrow my plans include church and Sunday, I want to sleep for that extra hour we're getting!
Friday Fill-Ins
2. I'm looking forward to eating pumpkin pie.
3. On and on and on we go - when it stops, we'll never know.
4. The last time I saw my Daddy was at the birthday bash.
5. Can you believe I have four kids? I never saw myself with more than two.
6. I need a visit to the dentist to get two teeth pulled.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet, tomorrow my plans include marching in the local Veterans Day parade and Sunday, I want to work on crochet orders all day!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
1. Turkey is best served fried.2. I'm looking forward to eating pumpkin pie.3. On and on and on we go - when it stops, we'll never know.4. The last time I saw my Daddy was at the birthday bash. 5. Can you believe I have four kids? I never saw myself with more than two.6. I need a visit to the dentist to get two teeth pulled.7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet, tomorrow my plans include marching in the local Veterans Day parade and Sunday, I want to work on crochet orders all day!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
1. In November, I most look forward to Thanksgiving dinner - especially the turkey and cranberry sauce. And pumpkin pie.
2. I finished the earwarmer for my friend Donyale in time for her to wear it to the game tonight so her ears don't freeze off...phew!3. It's right there, in the middle of the floor, most likely.4. I don't remember the last time I had peace of mind. 5. Water is therapy - especially when it's warm and in a bath or shower.6. "Put a cork in it or tie it in a knot," is what my grandmother used to say!7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet nothingness, tomorrow my plans include church and Sunday, I want to sleep for that extra hour we're getting!Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
1. Beware of smarmy-looking people - they usually end up being smarmy. But don't ask me to define smarmy-looking, though.2. I like to look at, but not feel, snow.3. And since we are on the subject, I don't like cold, period.4. Why does it sound so much more dignified when you call liquor spirits? 5. Where there are children, there are arguments and messes.6. Tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches is one of my favorite meals when it's cold out.7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the last home game of the season, tomorrow my plans include going to church and Sunday, I want to alternately sleep and read all day, but that won't happen!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
1. Old me would tell you that anyone can breastfeed and that it's totally natural; new me would tell you that breastfeeding is totally natural, but difficult and that you should seek support and help.2. It seems to be a rarity these days to see someone taking responsibility.3. a way bananas are oranges. In that they're fruit. Or that I couldn't think of something to fill in the blank.4. So you're going to be respectful, right? 5. The big difference in your views of someone changing is usually a change in yourself rather than a change in them.6. Creating makes me happy.7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quiet time, tomorrow my plans include hearing the Southwestern Adventist University Wind Symphony, hopefully seeing a lot of people at the Uncle Buck Fish Fry, and reading a bit at the Mineola Memorial Library's Read-a-thon, and Sunday, I want to have my kids sort all the laundry!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Superfast Giveaway - Postcards!
I love postcards. Why? They're cheaper to mail, number one. Secondly, they work for so many things.
Need a business card that really stands out? Postcard's your man.
Calendar for your organization's events? Call Mr. Postcard.
Fast, easy thank-you cards that you can hand out? Yep. Ol' Posty to the rescue.
Postcard printing used to be a pain, what with the how-to-get-it-to-fit-on-the-paper fiasco and all. You almost needed a degree to get the job done. Now, online printing makes it a breeze. Don't believe me? Test it for yourself. One lucky winner will get 100 postcards just to see how easy it is to take advantage of those little slips of cardstock that do so much.
Here's the details:
- 100 Postcards for One (1) Winner
- 5" x 7"
- 14pt Cardstock Gloss
- No Folding
- Front Only Printing
- 2 Business Days Print Turnaround Time
- Limited to US residents 18 years old and above only
Entering is easy - just leave a comment sharing what you'll do with your postcards! Enter fast - this giveaway will end on September 15 at 10 pm Central Standard Time!
This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting.
No monetary compensation was given and I will receive a set of postcards for hosting.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- Blueberry Bisquick waffles and a handmade card with 3 monkeys for @marcand for Father's Day :) #fb #
- Veggie waffles - patties made in the waffle maker instead of the oven: #
- 3-hour glucose test for gestational diabetes at 7:30 tomorrow morning; very nervous; prayers appreciated #fb #
- Arrived 5 minutes early - to the wrong "--Park Plaza" then arrived 10 minutes late to the correct one; this doesn't bode well... *sigh* #fb #
- Just call me Alexander - I'm going to bed before today gets any worse #fb #
- such a great idea #
#- : #
- heading out in a few minutes to report for Sarah's tonsillectomy at 7am; surgery scheduled to start at 8:45; prayers appreciated #fb #
- Worried about several different family members this evening #fb #
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- Printable Father's Day fun. :) #
- why yes, i'd be happy to take delivery of a package of pre-measured chocolate chip cookie dough - thank you! #fb #
- more #OperationSam work tomorrow - hope to get a large portion of my clothes put up and start going through Sarah's #fb #
- You'd think being my 4th pregnancy I wouldn't have all the horrible what if worries; not so; running the gamut from colic to Downs... #fb #
- 3 trips to walmart and some major round ligament pain are threatening to derail today's #OperationSam plans *frustrated sigh* #fb #
- The mind races in the quiet and sleep at the proper time is once again unattainable... #fb #
- People suck #fb #
- Today is Native American Citizenship Day. I have to agree with the author here: it's an oxymoron - and rather insulting… #
- Ooh, it's Nature Photography Day - I think I may have to venture out into the heat to see if I can snap a good pic or t… #
- Just had the best veggie pizza & homemade peach cobbler while watching an ocean nature show ;) #imagination #playdough #fb #
- "totally confident, me!" - thinks I whilst having an anxiety attack... *sigh* #fb #
- scarfed down a bowl of raisin bran - feeling like a ravenous pig lately :( #fb #
- Challenge Accepted #
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- A set of my very, very early ATCs got blogged today by their recipient - totally stoked by that... #fb #
- Bread-lettuce-tomato with copious amounts of tomato #yummo #fb #
- The thunder sounds lovely #fb #
- Enjoying the sound and smell of rain is one of the great joys of my life #fb #
- @unkilted crud I can't remember! I'll have to look it up... #
- @unkilted petrichor! #
- @unkilted true - he has a gift for using fabulous words that have been buried by time #
- @unkilted welcome to Yumtown ;) #
- @unkilted I like some cucumber on my sammiches when I have it; I get lettuce tomato cukes at Subway #
- Let's see if I can get back on the holiday linky trail; wish me luck... #
- 1929: The Vatican thumbs its nose at separation of church and state... *sigh* #
- I'm usually proud of being Texan, but that something like the murder of James Byrd, Jr in 1998 makes me sick. #
- For people like my husband, who gave me a decidedly lost and blank stare when I told him that Tom Jones is 71 today. Se… #
- Happy National Chocolate Ice Cream Day - don't blame me for your weight gain, though. :P #
- Want to celebrate with cake? There's a recipe for that.… #
- Get out your coonskin cap - it's Boone Day (but not for the reason that you might expect). #
- Today is World Ocean Day. What's your favorite ocean animal? I'm partial to whales and seahorses. #
- It's Frank Lloyd Wright's birthday. His innovative style is inspiring to me. #
- The vacuum cleaner was patented in 1869 - here's a cake to celebrate... bwahahahaha! #
- It's Best Friend Day! Do you have one best-best friend or several best friends? #
- You *could* celebrate National Name Your Poison Day by focusing on decisions. I think I'll just pick ice cream. ;) #
- @geovolt hmmm, might have throw in some chocolate chip cookie dough myself... #
- Which of these recipes will you make for National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day? #
- Here's a bit of Cole Porter for you to enjoy. #
- Dinner: bisquick waffles w homemade fruit slushy - Brandon said I was almost as epic as Chuck Norris #fb #
- ...but I can make people *and* milk to feed them with my body so I think that beats chuck #mommypower #fb #
- 28-week OB visit today - hope to post some holiday yums this afternoon #
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Sunday, June 5, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- two pounds of pinto beans now in the slow cooker - hello fiber-rich food! we can have beans & cornbread, burritos, or haystacks :D #fb #
- if you're looking for my last nerve just find my children - they're on it #fb #
- Let's play Words With Friends. My username is '3stairs'. #
- Inspiration / Bittersweet Fantasy via @pinterest #
- You know, it's not like I'm asking for the world here... #fb #
- Support our troops! View Taste of Home's flag cake and they’ll donate 10 cents to the USO! via @AddThis #
- Operation Make Room for Sam is in full swing, thanks to @marcand's leadership this morning #fb #
- Brandon has sorted through all of his clothes, I think; girls' obsolete sizes sorted out - tomorrow we separate by girl #littlesteps #fb #
- tackled the pile of household linens in the living room floor - they are now folded and in a tote atop vacuumed carpet #littlesteps #fb #
- girls' clothes sorted into Sarah's and Bethy's - paring down to happen next week #littlesteps #operationsam #fb #
- My $1.07 reward for this week's work on #OperationSam :D #
- totally cracking up at @marcand drooling over the @thinkgeek catalog that i got this week... #fb #
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Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- there's not a lot that can beat a late-night bowl of cereal #simplepleasures #fb #
- up way too early and very tired thanks to unrelenting heartburn and a gymnast child... #fb #
- This is a holiday I could get into - Giveaway Day! Here's a master list of handcrafted item giveaways. #
- Giveaway Day - handcrafted item *and* supplies or materials list. *starting to vibrate with excitement* #
- Giveaway Day - sewing and knitting supplies or materials *full-fledged glee* #
- i find it amusingly ironic that Pooh can spell suspect but can't write "Happy Birthday" late in the movie #fb #
- @Percival @lauriepercival love it! batten down the hatches - and everything else, lol! #
- Fast and easy mortarboard cupcake toppers! #
- Sometimes I just want to crawl in bed and stay there forever... #fb #
- @lauriepercival somehow that doesn't surprise me when I look at her parents, lol! #
- I'm listening to my husband and daughters have a discussion about farting *facepalm* #girlsaregrosstoo #fb #
- Why do ppl not realize it's incredibly rude to ask, "Don't you know what causes that?" when they find out someone is pregnant? #benice #fb #
- Wondering how many challenges, tests, growing opportunities, whatever you want to call them before I break... #fb #
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- Sam has been going bonkers #fb #
- just figured out that by the time Sam finishes 2nd grade i will have had a child on the primary school campus for 14 consecutive years #fb #
- Here's a whole slew of ideas for sweet graduation treats. #
- Cherry lovers rejoice - it's National Cherry Cobbler Day! #
- Oy, I've been caught. It's Pack Rat Day. *hangs head in shame* #
- anyone want to buy some handmade cards? mama needs vacation money #fb #
- remembering being told that hearing me read is what sparked a love of reading in a child and thinking how proud that makes me feel... #fb #
- Rough hormones/depression last night and this morning; prayers appreciated #fb #
- Want sandwiches for your graduation celebration? Check these out. #
- Martha goes retro with these Father's Day printables - what do you think? #
- At the end of my rope with Brandon - I don't know what to do any more short of taking him to a boy's home. God, please help me. #fb #
- Dealing with some major depression, so it may be a week or so without holiday links - I'll try to post when I can. #
- Printable Father's Day coupons from Martha. Click. Print. Please Dad. :) #
- Attention seamstresses with grads in your lives - this is cool. Make it. #
- Marshmallows and chocolate to celebrate graduation - sounds like a genius plan to me... #
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Sunday, May 15, 2011
A Little Birdie Told Me...
- It doesn't bode well that I'm going to bed in pain considering I've been waking up in pain for the last three days... #fb #
- You know how you can pop the leg off of a fashion doll? I wanna do that to my right leg. #fb #
- Wishing a happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! #fb #
- wishing today wasn't just another day at my house; and hating being an emotional pregnant woman... #fb #
- #BooksByMyKids Mom is from God; Dad is from Goo: When One Parent is Creationist and the Other is Evolutionist #fb #
- #BooksByMyKids Goodnight Mom: Living With a Mother Living With Depression #fb #
- #BooksByMyKids Where is My Room? Living with a Non-Housekeeping Mother #fb #
- #BooksByMyKids Can You Hot Glue Dinner? Living with a Crafty Mom #fb #
- #BooksByMyKids Was That Thunder or Dad? (poking fun at @Marcand - our kids can't hear unless you're booming, lol) #fb #
- oh, don't mind me - i'm just baking experimentally at 10:30 at night... #crazylady #fb #
- no comment :P #
- missing my hair... #fb #
- How was your Mother's Day? Mine was tiring - Sam has decided to camp out on a nerve, so I was hurting all day. Ouch! #
- Happy National Comparison Day. How to celebrate? Don't do it - take care of your self. #
- It's Lost Sock Memorial Day. My 8yo daughter Sarah just embraces them a la LittleMissMatched and throws on two socks, l… #
- Hurray for Buttons Day! *squee* Here's my Pinterest board dedicated to buttons. Not on Pinterest? Send me your e-mail a… #
- Let's play Words With Friends. My username is '3stairs'. #
- Hard decision made; now have to figure out how to break it to the kids - they're going to be unhappy... :( #fb #
- Brain won't stop; have a feeling it's going to be a long night; hoping for energy to do something productive if I'm not sleeping #fb #
- Third pregnant license photo in a row; I'll be preggo in my license until I'm 41 *headdesk* #fb #
- I earned the Lurker sticker on @GetGlue! #
- Pulling the covers over my head: #
- Did you know that it's National Celiac Awareness Month? #
- Checkup went well; Sam's measurements and heartbeat are right on schedule and I was told to "just keep doing what you're doing" #fb #
- Chocolate + Mary Engelbreit + Star Trek = WIN!!! #
- Just used a "mobile coupon" and saved 40% at Hobby Lobby; man, I love my phone (and Hobby Lobby)!! #fb #
- I hate school projects/long-term assignments - they cause multiple meltdowns from Brandon and no end of stress for @marcand and me #fb #
- did you enter to win 50 custom even tickets from @UPrinting yet? do it quick - drawing tomorrow! #fb #
- @marcand brought me some roses from mom's house <3 #
- did you enter to win 50 custom even tickets from @UPrinting yet? do it quick - drawing in a few hours! #fb #
- did you enter to win 50 custom even tickets from @UPrinting yet? do it quick - drawing in about an hour! #fb #
- For those that think I win every Words With Friends game... #
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