So it's the new year and everybody's pitching fits about resolutions, goals, and "promises to myself." Yeah, ok, whatever. I used to play that game, then I figured what's the point of doing something that's just going to make me more depressed anyway?
But I do have this blog, and you do read it (you do read it, right?), and you deserve to have something to read.
So, I'll try to post more frequently. That's as close to a resolution, goal, or blahblahblah that you're gonna get out of me.
To start, I'll tell you the humdrum (Feel free to fall asleep on the keyboard here, but be careful not to drool on it.) of the last week.
The beginning of the week was spent in The Kids Are Out of School *ahem* pleasantness. You know - bickering, screaming, throwing things and fits, and being sent to our rooms. And you should've seen the kids! Just kidding. A little.
Wednesday night, I took the kids up to the church to meet their "Aunt" and "Uncle" - a couple we've known longer than Sarah's been alive that they all adore. They haven't had the chance to go spend the night in a while, so they finally got the opportunity. They went with them Wednesday night after church and Brandon and Sarah will come to church with them in the morning. Bethy couldn't stand to be away from Mama and Daddy that long, so we went and got her this morning. You'd think with the kids being gone that long, we'd get all caught up on sleep. Instead we didn't go to bed until 4am Thursday night/Friday morning.
Just your typical nerdy New Year's Eve.
We slept in Friday morning, and went to get Bethy around 11. We came home, ate lunch, and took a nap. Yes, we're nappers. Go ahead, make jokes - I'll color a picture while I wait...
Done? Ok, moving on.
Tomorrow (well, in about seven hours), I'll go to church, have lunch, and take a nap. Sabbath is the one day a week I'm guaranteed a nap. The kids will probably go to my Mom's for the afternoon to get their weekly Grandma Fix. I'm planning to drag everyone to the Christmas lights place in Lindale after Sabbath, so that'll be a nice family thing. We usually take my mom and grandmother, too and make it a whole-family affair. The kids love it, and my heart does, too.
Oh yeah, and yarn will be crocheted. That's a daily thing.
Are you still here? Wow, I'm impressed! Here's your blanket - you can go back to sleep now.
Heehee... We read it, ALL of it! Thanks for entertaining my daughter and I :)
Look at me go with real-live readers - yay! Thanks so much for being a loyal reader!
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