Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

1. As I neared the light display I'd seen countless times before, I couldn't help but feel that child-like giddiness again

2. Have a New Kid By Friday is what I'm reading right now. It's giving me a game plan to turn my family life around. 

3. I didn't start out this way, really. Before taking Speech and Theatre classes from Larry Wisdom, I barely spoke above a whisper. Now, I have the supreme joy of reading books aloud to children and being told I'm a great storyteller

4. I'd like to tell them off, to tell the truth. 

5. The best way to enjoy a cold day is in a comfy seat with a blanket, a book, and a good cup of tea

6. This is the reason I am fun to kids - part of me has never grown up

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner at Mom's, taking the kids to see Christmas lights, and sleep, of course, tomorrow my plans include the church's Christmas dinner and Sunday, I want to see if not speaking all day will get my voice back!

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