Monday, May 22, 2006

Summer Splendor

I'm so looking forward to summer!? Okay, so that's sarcastic (it's a gift), but the beginning of summer is disgustingly unfun.? We have not one, not even two, but four doctor's appointments in the first two weeks of summer.? How fun is that?

Answer:? NOT


Halfway through June we finally get to have fun with Vacation Bible Schools and swim classes for the rest of the month.? July?? Nothing's scheduled yet.? I'm looking forward to days of sending the kids out to play on the swingset in the yard, hosing them down (literally, hehe!), and afternoon naps sprawled out on the king size bed.? I hope to get some dresses made for the girls and maybe even an outfit or two for Brandon.

Of course, I'm living in Parentopia right now.


but let's not spoil it just yet...

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